Del PAID 3100 SEK: Swedish speaking Female models for campaign in Copenhagen

PAID 3100 SEK: Swedish speaking Female models for campaign in Copenhagen

Løn: 3 100 kr

PAID 3000 SEK: Swedish speaking Female models for campaign in Copenhagen

We are looking for a model to participate in a campaign for an outdoor brand. Please note that we do not cover tranport expenses which is why we primarily want applications from the Skåne area.

The shoot will involve the production of:
1x Brand video
2x ads
3x Tiktoks

📍 Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
📅 Date: 19th or 20th of February
⏳ Duration: 4-5 hours
💰 Fee: 3100 SEK

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Ansøgningstiden er overskredet

Ansøgningstiden for dette job er overskredet. Du kan stadig læse annoncen, men jobbet kan ikke søges længere.